On to a New Adventure


Oh Boy…

So I will be detailing the trials and tribulations of what I had to go through in order to have Sweet In-Home Care up and running starting from the beginning. I hope you enjoy and maybe get a laugh along the way. Without further ado, I am on my way to opening my very own business called Sweet In-Home Care (in case you didn’t know) and it’s a huge change for me as starting a new business is for anyone. This will be my first venture as an entrepreneur. I did not know where to start or how to begin the process. Luckily, with the help of my parents who have an in-home care company as well knew what I needed to do. While I may not have a degree in entrepreneurship, what I may lack I will work my hardest to make up with learning from my mistakes, research, and asking for help when needed. I will put forth heart and effort to excel to the best of my abilities. I think that’s all we can ask for people to do sometimes.

This company will be my very own business and I will be the one in charge of making all the decisions. I will also be the one to blame if it goes wrong too, but let’s not think about that. Wow, to be an owner that is something I never thought I would ever say. I did not grow up thinking I’m going to start my own business, but here I am. Its funny how your life turns out to be with all it’s twists and turns. I do love that I can soon say that I am an entrepreneur and I can’t wait for people to get to know Sweet In-Home Care. I am thrilled for people to see what I have built so far and have them follow along as I grow the business to what I hope to be is a long lasting success.

I am definitely feeling nervous, but also really excited to get started. Prepping for the start of the company and I have my checklist handy. I am one of those people that makes lists, does all her research, and checks everything twice before moving ahead, but I know I can only prep so much. I feel that I am in a good place and that I know what I am doing. I am also thankful to have the guidance of my parents who already have an established in-home care company. It’s going to be a learning curve for me and I know I am going to hit some road bumps. I do have doubts such as people not taking me seriously or people disregarding myself and the company. However, I have faith that Sweet In-Home Care will prove them all wrong.

Follow my journey as I learn my way through my successes and my mistakes. It won’t be easy, but I am up for the challenge because I know that what I am doing will make a difference. I know that my company is going to do good for people that need help and that is a rewarding feeling I will hold on to as I have my ups and downs. I hope to continue to post to keep everyone updated on the company and how things are going. I am not sure how well I will do with the updating, but I will try my best. You can learn more about the company by visiting the “About” tab.

Best wishes,
